Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Sad Day

After a short but eventful life, Bandit is no longer with us...(Sunday 30th August)

We will miss her...

Smokey is coping, but obviously missing her companion.

Just over a year ago...

Monday, 1 June 2015

Charter HQ (Hutchquarters)

On our first birthdays, we now have official put the sign up on our latest home...
We have done quite a lot in the last year, now on our third HQ... the last one were not secure enough. The local environment is now Bunnies of Anarchy (BOA) territory, the locals have got used to us and we have free access to most areas when outside of our HQ. 
Some area we are still working on gaining access to, this can lead to friction and fights with the locals, but generally we are fully in control of the area.
Occasionally there is some infighting in the club HQ, this is normally resolved over an apple or two at the Bridge Bar.